You May Never Get
Over It but We Can
Help You Get Through It
North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer
Experienced counsel having tried over a thousand jury cases
Woody and Rexie
Since 1974 Lumberton personal injury lawyer Woodberry (Woody) Bowen has tried over 1000 jury cases struggling to get just compensation for victims of others’ negligence in Workers Compensation and Personal Injury cases including auto, truck and motorcycle accident and injury cases. Every day he battles the often unfair tactics of insurance companies whose practices have tended to get more aggressive in recent years against deserving claimants. The practice includes other litigation like house fire claims, dog bite cases and many more. Too ofter victims try to be their own lawyer, thus sometimes failing to receive thousands of dollars of compensation from insurance they didn’t even know they had.
In some of these trials he has represented criminal defendants in capital murder cases and numerous other felonies in Superior Court. He was chosen to defend the person alleged to have killed Michael Jordan’s father, James Jordan. Bowen also tries traffic offenses, speeding tickets, and DWI’s assaults and other misdemeanors in the District Court. Bowen has special experience in the criminal courts, having been a prosecutor for Robeson County’s Guinness Book of World Records Deadliest D. A., Joe Freeman Britt, who put more defendants on death row than any other prosecutor.
We are easy to find in the heart of downtown Lumberton, North Carolina, directly across the street from the front door of the Robeson County Courthouse.
Before you sign anything or give a recorded statement call for a free consultation with a Lumberton personal injury attorney or advice on Workers Compensation, Criminal Defense, DUI and Traffic cases. At the office during business hours, 910-739-4357 and the emergency after hours number 910-991-6582.
Fill out the contact form or call us at (910) 739-4357 or (910) 991-6582 to schedule your free consultation.
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